
Our Lady of the Assumption School will:
  • include the SunSmart Procedure statement in the school handbook
  • incorporate education programs that focus on skin cancer prevention into the school curriculum
  • encourage all staff to act as positive role models for children in all aspects of SunSmart behaviour
  • seek ongoing support from parents and the school community for the SunSmart Procedure and its implementation, through newsletters, parent meetings etc.
  • encourage all students and staff wear hats that protect the face, neck and ears, and SPF 30 or higher, broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, when involved in outdoor activities
  • students without adequate sun protection to use shaded or covered areas at recess and lunch times. Remind them of the Behaviour Expectation ‘Hats On. Correct uniform.'
  • encourage parents to provide their child with a swim suit that conforms with the Queensland Cancer Fund SunSmart clothing guidelines
  • provide shade at sporting carnivals and other outdoor events.
Our expectations that Parents/Carers will:
  • ensure correct SunSmart uniform is worn
  • encourage use of sun block by their children
Students will:
  • be aware of the school's SunSmart Procedures
  • take responsibility for their own health and safety by being SunSmart
  • comply with SunSmart rules and guidelines by wearing suitable hats, clothing and sunscreen
  • act as positive role models for other students in all aspects of SunSmart behaviour
  • participate in SunSmart education programs.