April 1918
Archbishop Duhig purchased a house and grounds (13 acres) from Mr M.H. Finlayson, the property known as "Shine Hill", for 2,150 pounds. A school was designed by Mr George Trotter of Corinda, to accommodate 200 scholars.
There was a fine spacious residence surrounded by well laid out lawns and gardens on the thirteen acres of grounds. Two smaller houses close by were also purchased, and one was to be later used as a presbytery.
25th August, 1918
The foundation stone of "the school of Our Lady of the Assumption" was blessed and laid by Archbishop Duhig, Brisbane.
Late 1918
Good Samaritan Sisters (Mother Bonaventure Mooney, Sister Assissium Bailey, Sister Loyola Fitzgerald, Sister Ita Davoren) took up residence at the Convent (former residence on site).
26th January, 1919
The newly completed “Our Lady of the Assumption” School was dedicated by His Grace the Most Reverend Dr Redwood. Archbishop of Wellington (N.Z.), assisted by Archbishop Duhig.
The total cost of the building, designed by Mr Geo Trotter Jnr, and built by Mr E Dahlke, was 2,500 pounds. The school was described at the time as “one of the finest parochial school buildings in the Archdiocese”.
The new Catholic school building, Enoggera opened in 1919

28th June, 1931
The Foundation Stone of the Presbytery was laid by Archbishop Duhig in the presence of about 500 people, including forty of the priests of the metropolitan area.
The Presbytery, erected on the site between the convent and the original school building, was soon completed and was blessed and opened on 20th September 1931.
Late 1930’s
Alterations were made to the original school buildings as the increasing number of children in the area created a need for more classroom areas. The open verandahs were closed in and some areas underneath were also enclosed.
The school was used for dances for soldiers, and tennis courts were built at Enoggera.
Early 1950’s
The increasing number of parishioners was causing overcrowding at the old Enoggera Church, so the school building came into use on weekends as a Mass Centre for the Everton Park end of the Parish.
20th February, 1955
To accommodate the still-growing number of students, an Infant School designed by Mr F. Cullen was built by Mr J. Pluck. The total cost of the building (now Pender Hall) furniture and fittings was 15,000 pounds, and it was blessed and opened by Archbishop Duhig. The new building was situated between the Presbytery and the original school building, approximately where the closest wing of Mount Maria Junior now stands.
Extensions were made to the school and a tuckshop was provided – at a cost of 6,000 pounds. Extensive renovations were carried out at the convent, with the open verandahs being closed in and the exterior stuccoed. Improvements to the school grounds and surroundings were completed.
Infant School (Pender Hall) c1959
477 children enrolled - the peak of enrolments at the original school.
10th May, 1966
A meeting at Enoggera Presbytery of the priests of the surrounding areas was told of the decision of the Catholic Education Commission that Enoggera was to be the location of its first secondary school project – to be a regional school financed by several parishes and with the help of State and Federal Governments. The new boys’ school was to be sited on part of the original Shine Hill property and would therefore affect OLA School.
22nd November, 1968
After much discussion and a variety of schemes (which included the demolition of the convent and building of a new one elsewhere on the site) plans were finalised. Infants’ School was to be transplanted to its present location near the front gate of the convent, and a new primary school of eight classrooms was to be built.
April – 21st May, 1969
The Infants’ School building began its trek, via soaped logs, from its original position. It was moved over two weeks behind the presbytery (causing the demolition of father’s original garage) and across in front of the convent to its present site at the corner of Hurdcotte St and South Pine Road. On May 21st it was lowered onto its new foundations, and the grounds were repaired. This building is now known as "Pender Hall". The infant building included two classrooms for infant grades, an administration section and staff amenities.
Ursula Quinn tells a good story of the transfer of the old school. The move was during a particularly wet period, and some of the boys of the school, ever curious, managed to acquire a thick coating of mud on their clothes. Sister John in her charity provided a change of clothing for the boys until her stocks ran out. She then – with a stroke of genius – replaced the boys’ muddied gear with girl’s clothes. Results were immediate and lasting – no more boys played in the mud.
Infant School in its new (present) position 1969
29th August, 1969
The foundation stone of the new school block was blessed and laid by Archbishop O’Donnell. The construction of the covered ways was in progress.
22nd February, 1970
The official opening of the new block was undertaken by Archbishop O’Donnell. The building, consisting of ten classrooms, a tuckshop and a toilet block was built at the cost of more than 130,000 pounds. The architect was Mr K. Mooney, and the builder was Mr M.J. O’Leary, and the building, contained many up-to-date features such as brick partitions between classrooms for maximum soundproofing; public address speakers in each classroom; and wiring for tape recorders and video machines. A newspaper report of the opening described the classrooms as having "accommodation for approximately 35 to 40 children". A new school uniform was introduced at this time.
19th April, 1970
In January, 120 Boys had moved into the Marcellin College which had been built on the original OLA grounds (initially Years 5, 6 and 7 - the first Year 12 class graduated in 1976). The official blessing and opening of the College by Archbishop O’Donnell took place in April 1970. The new College buildings were sited between the new OLA building and the original school building (1919) which was still standing. The original OLA building was demolished in 1973 to accommodate further building on the Marcellin College site. Over the years, Marcellin phased out its primary school and became a school for boys in Years 8-10.
As a consequence of the opening of Marcellin College, OLA was co-educational to Year 4; and girls only in years 5-7.
Although Marcellin College had been extended in 1972 to cater for growing primary numbers, the arrival of a secondary grade level in 1973 made evident the need for further building to accommodate secondary classes.
The decision was made to demolish the original OLA school building of 1919 to make way for further building on the Marcellin site. And this was done.
A second wing of the new OLA school building, the one closest to Hurdcotte Street was now built. At first, only the ground floor was completed for use by the Grade 2’s and Library, a second story was added at a later date. At the time too, the original presbytery (which had, after 1931 served as the home of Mrs O’Mara) stood at the end of the new wing and was used for art and craft rooms by Enoggera pupils. This house also has since been demolished.
29th January, 1975
The new administration offices and staffroom were completed for the 1975 school year. The administration block was completed in two stages, with the second half (OSHCare Activity Room) added some years after the first half, (the old secretarial section).
26th May, 1975
Renovations to the Convent were commenced and completed by the 8th of December when an Open House for all the Brisbane Sisters of the Good Samaritan was held.
523 children enrolled at OLA.
April 5th to May 1982
Repairs to the Convent were carried out.
January 1992
Mt Maria Junior opened in January 1992 at the Enoggera site as a co-educational college for students in Years 8-10.
Late 1992
Internal renovations to the original section of the Administration block were completed. The Enoggera convent closed and the Good Samaritan Sisters withdrew from the site.
The old convent building, which was located in the centre of the school, was sold and removed from the site. The centre court area (amphitheatre steps) was constructed with help from the Army. The current (2016) formal and sports uniforms were introduced.
Construction of the first Preschool room and refurbishment of administration area and staffroom.
Classroom refurbishment ($450 000)
Early 2005
A second Preschool room was constructed, enabling full-time and part-time preschool programs to be offered at OLA.
From 2006
Mt Maria Junior and Mt Maria Senior amalgamated as Mt Maria College albeit still occupying two campuses.
2006 - early 2007
Upgrade of OLA Library ($400 000)
From 2007
Preschool was replaced by full-time "Prep" as the first year of formal education in Queensland schools.
After consultation with stakeholders, the decision was made by Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) to relocate the Mt Maria Junior campus to the Mitchelton site (Mt Maria Senior campus). It was planned to sell the Enoggera site and use the funds to finance the relocation of Mt Maria Junior. It was realised that the Parish owned the land and a consultation process was undertaken to determine how the asset would be used.
It was eventually determined that OLA would reclaim the activity centre, the chapel and the southern classroom building of Mt Maria Junior; the parish would care for the monastery and BCE would own the remaining land and buildings.
May - June 2010
The OSHCare building was relocated to the grassed area adjoining the 'Mary' statue.
September 2010
Demolition of the music room (former respite centre), basketball courts and sheds.
Late 2010
Construction of new Administration building including Office, Staffroom, Library and Seminar room; completed early in 2011. Funding for the new building was received from the Federal Government as a "Building the Education Revolution" (BER) project.
New playgrounds were constructed around the oval.
The former Mt Maria Junior College buildings (Activity centre, Chapel, classroom block - used by Yr 4, 5 and 6) were acquired by OLA. The Activity Centre was extended and refurbished and is subsequently known as the "Good Samaritan (or Good Sam) Centre".
Marist brothers vacated the monastery.
"Alice's Garden" was established in memory of Alice Sheehan including a dragonfly sculpture by Phil Ceccato (husband of Mrs Lily Ceccato who taught at OLA for many years).
Three classrooms in the former Mt Maria wing were refurbished, and a covered bridge was built to link with the existing school buildings.
From 2015
Following a decision by the Qld Government in 2011, Year 7 moved to high school. OLA subsequently comprised of students from Prep to Year 6.
A one-way ring road was constructed around the north of the school, with a new drop-off/pick-up zone outside the Good Samaritan Centre.
Refurbishment of the remaining upstairs rooms in the former Mt Maria building.