OLA School Charism, Vision & Mission, and Motto


The Charisms that enliven the Vision and Mission of Our Lady of the Assumptions emanate from the spirituality of the ancient rule of St Benedict, the spirituality of Sisters of the Good Samaritan and the example of Mary the Mother of Jesus.

St Benedict established a way of life based on seeking a balance between work and prayer. His “Rule” begins with the exhortation to “listen with the ear of your heart.”

In 1919, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, an Australian Religious Order, established our school. Inspired by the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and the Rule of St Benedict, the Sisters live a communal way of life, committed to seeking God and responding as a neighbour to those in need.

Our school is named for Mary the Mother of Jesus under the title of Our Lady of the Assumption. The title reminds us of the guiding light that Mary was in the life and mission of her Son and that her life with God, and our life with God, is eternal.


As the faith community of Our Lady of The Assumption School, we commit ourselves to developing an authentic Catholic School which:
  • is founded on the person of Jesus Christ and enlivened by Gospel values.
  • promotes the teachings of Jesus and the living out of the values handed down to us by our Catholic faith.
  • provides each individual with an experience of belonging to this community, leading to the enhancement of self-esteem and the encouragement of generous service.
  • develops the full potential of each person and ensures a balance between individual and societal needs.
  • provides a challenging curriculum which links faith, life, and culture.
  • promotes our school as a place of quality learning and excellence.
  • promotes an active partnership between home, parish, school, and community.


As a faith community, we commit our talents and skills to quality teaching and learning in a caring environment which integrates faith, life, and culture.


To Love and Learn​